Insurance Agency Results

Will You Fly with Eagles, or Quack with The Ducks?

While working with several top performers throughout my careers, I can confidently say that they each have very similar characteristics, including learning from one another. Top performers (eagles) are not interested in drinking water with the ducks down below, whom are complaining and waddling around clueless to what greatness is above. Eagles soar together, above […]

Asking for a favor-no pressure…

I received an email from an amazing co-worker of mine whom I truly respect for the work that she has done since joining the Team. The email that I received absolutely touched my heart so I felt compelled to respond as soon as I read it. (I’m not going to mention names for privacy as […]

How $1.00 helped me form habits

This past Sunday morning was very tough waking up. We have all had those mornings where we slept sound the night before, feel groggy upon awaking to the slightest ray of sun shining in through the window, and all that we want to do is to lounge around and do nothing-possibly even wanting to go […]

The Creation of ‘Comfort Salesmanship’

After studying Management (with a heavy emphasis on retail) at my beloved Indiana State University, I realized that no matter how important books are to us, nothing beats real World experience. Once I conquered my Sales Leadership role in the retail industry, I set out to search for a career where I would be rewarded […]

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