Insurance Agency Results

I received an email from an amazing co-worker of mine whom I truly respect for the work that she has done since joining the Team. The email that I received absolutely touched my heart so I felt compelled to respond as soon as I read it. (I’m not going to mention names for privacy as I did not tell her I was making this post.). The ask was simple-

“Would you be willing to write a positive message to inspire the K-5th grade school? No pressure, but I would be so thankful if any of you would be willing to email me one back! These messages will be shared with students next week on the school’s Facebook page…”
There is a backstory, however….

The particular school that I wrote, is one that shows higher numbers of low economic status, in which most students receive free lunch etc. The staff has been extremely concerned that their students are not seeing the positive reinforcement at home to remind them of how important and special they truly are. The school district recently released ChromeBooks to each family and have also helped families who could not afford wifi to have it during these times so that education can keep moving forward.

Each week teachers are making time to ensure they still get to see their students electronically, sharing screen time to send several positive messages sent from all over the Country. The children look forward to seeing these, but unfortunately the positivity is running short….

This is where my co-worker decided to send some of her closest colleagues a note-asking for us to do a simple, yet so important task-to send a note of positivity so that the children can continue to see these messages.

“Small hinges swing big doors.” is something that I preach everyday, yet such an understatement when I read this note. How could one NOT spend a few minutes to help spread positive ideas and thoughts to these children!

It was a tough week last week for me, both personally and professionally as life has presented all of us with new challenges that are changing daily! There are emotions flying around in every direction one may turn, and yet, positivity or negativity, these emotions are still in our control every day when we wake up…WE ARE IN CONTROL! Emotions can be managed, and it’s our job to help each other through these unprecedented times.

Here is the note that I sent back to the K-5 grade school a few states away:

“One day, long ago, I decided to stop watching the local News Channels. Although it is important to stay up with current events, (which I chose to pick up the local paper for those) I have learned in my Leadership career that if I’m in a bad mood, then it affects my entire day! When I wake up, I decide to make the bed as soon as I get up. You may ask, “why?” Well, because it’s the easiest thing that I’ll do all day, and I’ve already shown that I have accomplished it! I can celebrate a small victory, which feels good! Everything thereafter will continue to get tougher as I go about my duties. The second thing that I do each day, is look in the mirror and tell myself that “Today is going to be an amazing day!”

Did you know that the MOST IMPORTANT part of your body is the “6-inches” that lie between your ears? It’s true. By believing and thinking positive things from the time that we wake up, we can control how the day will go! Stay strong (insert school name)!”

I inserted the picture above, and I hope that it can help even just one person stay positive.
Please think about the small things that we can all do in these times of need. There are so many people and businesses whom are struggling right now. Small things can mean the World to the recipient, so never under-estimate that one small kind act. Stay safe everybody and please comment and share something that has touched you as of late!

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